Tuesday 050724
Located within the Headwaters Forest & listed on the National Register of Historic Places last year, there have been rumors that the remnants of the town/lumber mill site Falk are haunted. What are your thoughts?
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Monday 032519
Poll Results:
The Equal Rights Amendment has come close, but yet to be ratified by the required number of 38 states to be added to the Constitution. Will it ever be?
Friday 032219
Poll Results:
Do you follow/get news from non American sources, such as the BBC?
Thursday 032119
Poll Results:
Should Donald Trump stop attacking the legacy of deceased senator and war veteran John McCain?
Wednesday 032019
Poll Results:
As mentioned yesterday by Brian Banmiller, many suffer during the springtime shift to daylight savings. Is it a clear sign that the US abolish Daylight Savings Time?
Tuesday 031919
Poll Results:
Do you agree with Gavin Newsom's decision to halt death row executions?
1 265 266 267 268 269 567