Monday 090522
Poll Results:
It is Labor Day; do you usually participate in any Labor Day weekend sales events?
Friday 090222
Poll Results:
A film made in the early 1900's featuring several scenes filmed in Eureka, Arcata and Korbel was recently unveiled in Maine. Would you be interested in watching the 1919 film 'Valley of the Giants'?
Thursday 090122
Poll Results:
Earlier this week, a mint condition Mickey Mantle baseball card was sold for $12.6 million. Do you collect baseball cards or other types of sports memorabilia?
Wednesday 083122
Poll Results:
Revealed last week, HTA is expected to start running several hydrogen fuel cell electric buses to Ukiah beginning in 2024. Do you think hydrogen fueled buses will be a good way to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions?
Tuesday 083022
Poll Results:
The Artemis moon mission launch was postponed yesterday due to technical issues. Many officials are aiming to reschedule it for this Friday; even if all tech issues are resolved by that time, do you think it should be launched at a later time?
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