Monday 050624
With one of the latest Google Doodles being shown last Wednesday (to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month), what event/occasion did the FIRST Google Doodle celebrate back in 1998?
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Tuesday 070213
Poll Results:
With rain accumulations at 80% of normal and record high temps throughout the county, are we headed for one of the worst forest fire season's ever?
Monday 070113
Poll Results:
In more leaked information, it has been found the US is also eavesdropping on our Allies like Germany and the United Kingdom. Do you think this is to be expected in these modern terrorist times?
Thursday 062713
Poll Results:
Do you agree with the Supreme Court and their decision to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act?
Friday 062813
Poll Results:
With repeat offender crimes like burglaries and stolen cars at epidemic levels here in Humboldt Co., have you thought of starting or joining a neighborhood watch program?
Wednesday 062613
Poll Results:
Do you think the Senate and House of Representatives will ever come to an agreement on the Immigration Bill?
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