Thursday 041824
Neither presumptive candidate for President this year have yet to commit to take part in any of the 2024 Presidential debates. What are your thoughts about there possibly not being any debates during this election season?
  • - 17%
  • - 83%
  • - 0%
Thursday 123115
Poll Results:
Will you make New Year resolutions?
Wednesday 123015
Poll Results:
Should illegal immigrants who have American-born children be exempt from deportation?
Tuesday 122915
Poll Results:
Did you get what you wanted for Christmas this year?
Monday 122815
Poll Results:
Are you confident that your credit/debit card information has been kept secure while shopping this holiday?
Friday 122515
Poll Results:
Do you celebrate Christmas primarily as a religious holiday or as a secular holiday?
1 431 432 433 434 435 564