Thursday 041824
Neither presumptive candidate for President this year have yet to commit to take part in any of the 2024 Presidential debates. What are your thoughts about there possibly not being any debates during this election season?
  • - 8%
  • - 92%
  • - 0%
Thursday 011217
Poll Results:
Should award acceptance speeches be allowed to include politics in them?
Wednesday 011117
Poll Results:
Do you agree that the 'pig' picture hung in Congress is distasteful in regards to law enforcement?
Tuesday 011017
Poll Results:
Should the words 'In God We Trust' stay on our printed currency or be removed?
Monday 010917
Poll Results:
Did you get a chance to visit California's famous 'Pioneer Cabin' Tree before it got knocked over during the recent storms?
Friday 010617
Poll Results:
Will State Route 299 be fully cleared by the end of this month?
1 377 378 379 380 381 564